Dear Colleague,
Great News!
ESOC 2022 will be live, on-site in Lyon, France. We look forward very much to meeting as many of you as possible in person.
We have carefully reviewed the current SARS-Cov-19 situation and regulations and are confident that they will allow us to have an in-person event. We believe it is about time that we can converse and network face-to-face, spend time with friends and colleagues and enjoy the highly valuable, state-of-the-art scientific content for which the ESO Conference is renowned.
Your engagement and commitment make ESOC the great place for science, exchange, education and collaboration. Please join ESOC 2022 to make it the best Conference that it possibly can be.
Registration is open. Register early to get the best rates. Rates are scaled to reflect the membership of ESO, career stage, profession and country of origin and to enable as many people as possible to attend.
You cannot join us in Lyon? Do not despair. For those not able to attend in person, ESOC 2022 also comes to you in a hybrid virtual format. The Conference Planning Group, together with the ESO Executive Committee, has invested in an extended hybrid solution to accommodate as many stroke researchers and professionals as possible at the Conference and enable all registrants to watch the sessions again, on-demand, for up to three months after the Conference.
Please share this news! Disseminate this e-mail within your network and social channels:
Forward this e-mail to your network and your colleagues
Download our promotional items and spread the word on your social channels and your network about your attendance. Please use #ESOC and tag us (Twitter @ESOstroke, Facebook @EuropeanStrokeOrganisation)
Register today, and start planning your journey to ESOC. Jointly, we can bring the Stroke World together in person for the first time in two years. Your support is highly appreciated.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you in Lyon, France, 4-6 May 2022.
Thank you very much and best regards,
Prof. Joanna Wardlaw
Chair Conference Planning Group
ESO Conference (ESOC)
Prof. Martin Dichgans
European Stroke Organisation
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