Lassmann, Hans

Professor and Head
Division of Neuroimmunology
Center for Brain Research

Division of Neuroimmunology
Center for Brain research
Sptalgasse 4, A-1090, Wien

Phone: (+43 1) 40160 34200
Fax: (+43 1) 40160 934203

1968-1975: Medical School, University of Vienna, Austria
1975-1983: University of Vienna Medical School; Resident in Neuropathology
1977-1978: Visiting associate; New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, Staten Island, New York
1983: Habilitation (Neuropathology)
1983-1999: Head of Research Group for Experimental Neuropathology in the Neurological Institute of the University of Vienna
1990-1995: Head of the Research Unit for Experimental Neuropathology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
1993: a.o. University Professor (§31 UOG)
1999: o. University Professor for Neuroimmunology and Head of the Department of Neuroimmunology at the Center for Brain Research in the University of Vienna / since 1992 Medical University of Vienna.
1999-2007: Founding Director of the Center for Brain Research at the University of Vienna / Medical University of Vienna
2003-2013: Member of the Senate of the Medical University of Vienna
2007-2012: Vice Director of the Center for Brain Research of the Medical University of Vienna
2005: Corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
2009: Honorary Professor at the University College of London, UK
2010: Member of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina
2011: Full Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

1983: Kardinal Innitzer Förderungspreis
1992: The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada: Royal College Speaker
1999: Winner in the Advanced Authored Category: The Medical Writers Group of the Society of Authors; Medical Book Awards sponsored by The Royal Society of Medicine (UK) für: A. Compston, G. Ebers, H. Lassmann, I. McDonald, B. Matthews & H. Wekerle: McAlpine’s Multiple Sclerosis; Third Edition.
2000: Forschungspreis 2000 der Sobek Stiftung für hervorragende Forschungsleistung auf dem Gebiet der Multiplen Sklerose
2000: Section Head “Demyelinating Diseasese of the Faculty of 1000 Medicine; Current Science Group
2000: Highly Cited Researcher in ISI Highly Cited Researchers Project
2005: Charcot Award of the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation for Life Long Achievements in Multiple Sclerosis Research
2005: Kardinal Innitzer Würdigungspreis (Naturwissenschaften) 2005
2006: First Prize in Neurology in the 2006 BMA Medical Book Competition for: A. Compston, G. Ebers, H. Lassmann, I. McDonald, B. Matthews & H. Wekerle: McAlpine’s Multiple Sclerosis; Fourth Edition
2007: Großes Silbernes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich
2009: TEVA / Parisi Neuroscience Award (American Association of Neuropathologists) 2009
2010: K.J. ZÜLCH-Preis 2010 der Gertrud Reemtsma-Stiftung / Max Planck Gesselschaft für “herausragende Leistungen in der neurologischen Grundlagenforschung”
2011: Alfred Maier Award 2011 of the British Neuropathological Society
2014: Highly Cited Researcher in ISI Highly Cited Researchers Project
2015: Distinguished Member of the Japanese Society of Neurology
2015: Wagner Jauregg Medaillie der Öst. Ges. F. Biologische Psychiatrie


  • Publication of > 400 articles in international, peer reviewed journals
  • Comulative citation index of 37616, H-index of 112
  • Pathogenesis of inflammation and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis
  • Mechanisms of immune surveillance of the central nervous system
  • General mechanisms of brain inflammation and inflammation induced tissue injury