Position Available as a Post-doctoral Researcher at Neurocentro della Svizzera Italiana

The position of a Post-doctoral Researcher

Is available in the Parkinson’s disease group at the Laboratory for Biomedical Neurosciences (LBN), Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland in Lugano, for a project that aims at immuneprofiling extracellular vesicles in plasma of patients with Parkinson’s disease and at understanding their role in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. Candidates must hold a PhD in Experimental Biology/Biomedicine, be highly motivated and independent in carrying the experimental work. Mastering immunological techniques, as well as cell cultures and an excellent background in immunology and neuroinflammation, are highly recommended. Fluent spoken and written English is mandatory. The position is for two years. Application inclusive of a CV, list of publications, and contact addresses of two referees should be sent to:


PD Dr.med Giorgia Melli,
Group Leader Parkinson’s disease group, LBN
Via ai Söi 24
CH-6807 Torricella-Taverne
Tel: 0041 91 8116535

