Nataf, Serge

University Lyon-1
Lyon University Hospital (“Hospices Civils de Lyon”)
Bank of Tissues and Cells
CarMeN Laboratory (INSERM 1060)

Phone: +33-4-72-11-76-67

since 2011: Senior manager at the department of Cell Therapy and Tissue Engineering of the University Hospital of Lyon (HCL)
2002-2011: Head of the research group “Macrophages/microglia in neurodegenerative disorders”, INSERM Unit U811, Lyon. Senior assistant manager at the biology resource Center of the University Hospital of Lyon (HCL)
2000-2002: Post-doctoral fellow in the INSERM unit U433 (Neuropathology and Experimental Neurobiology), University of Lyon
1996-2000: Post-doctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Scott Barnum (Role of the complement system in CNS disorders), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA
1994-1996: PhD student, INSERM U298 “Neurobiology and Immunopathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases” University of Angers, France
1990-1994: Medical Internship, Department of Neurology, University of Nantes, France

2011: Professor of Cytology and Histology, Lyon school of Medicine, University of Lyon, France
2007: Accreditation to supervise research, University of Lyon-1, France
2002: Associate Professor of Cytology and Histology, Lyon school of Medicine, University of Lyon, France
1996: Ph.D. in Immunopathology, University of Nantes, France
1994: Medical doctor degree and accreditation in Neurology, University of Nantes, France

Academic Editor of PLoS ONE since 2011
Co-founder and board member of French Club of Neuro-immunology (CFNI) since 2011
Head of the department of Cytology and Histology at the Lyon school of medicine, University of Lyon since 2011

Adipose stem cells to treat neuro-inflammatory conditions
Multiple sclerosis pathophysiology

1. Nataf S and Pays L. Gene co-expression analysis unravels a link between C9orf72 and RNA metabolism in myeloid cells. Acta Neuropathol Commun 2015. Oct 15;3:64
2. Nataf S. The sensory immune system: a neural twist to the antigenic discontinuity theory. Nat Rev Immunol. 2014 Apr;14(4):280.
3. Lieury A, Chanal M, Androdias G, Reynolds R, Cavagna S, Giraudon P, Confavreux C, Nataf S. Tissue remodeling in periplaque regions of multiple sclerosis spinal cord lesions. Glia 2014. Oct;62(10):1645-58.
4. Androdias G., Reynolds R., Chanal M., Ritleng C., Confavreux C andNataf S. Meningeal T-cells associate with diffuse axonal loss in multiple sclerosis. Ann. Neurol. 2010 Oct;68(4):465-76
5. Davoust N., Vuaillat C., Androdias G., Nataf S. From bone marrow to microglia: barriers and avenues. (2008) Trends Immunol. 2008 29:227-34.
6. Davoust N., Vuaillat C., Cavillon G., Domenget C., Hatterer E., Bernard A., Dumontel C., Jurdic P., Macus C., Confavreux C., Belin MF., Nataf S. Bone marrow CD34+/B220+ progenitors target the inflamed brain and display in vitro differentiation potential toward microglia. FASEB J. 2006 Oct;20(12):2081-92
7. Hatterer E., Davoust N., Didier-BAzes M., Vuaillat C., Malcus C., Belin MF., Nataf S. How to drain without lymphatics? Dendritic cells migrate from the cerebrospinal fluid to the B-cell follicles of cervical lymph nodes. Blood 2006 Jan 15;107(2):806-12
8. Nataf S., Carroll SL., Wetsel RA., Szalai AJ., Barnum SR. Attenuation of experimental autoimmune demyelination in complement-deficient mice. J Immunol. 2000 Nov 15;165(10):5867-73
9. Nataf S., Stahel PF., Davoust N., Barnum SR. Complement anaphylatoxin receptors on neurons: new tricks for old receptors?Trends neurosci. 1999 Sep;22(9):397-402. Review.
10. Nataf S., Davoust N., Ames B and Barnum SR. Human T-cells express the C5aR and are chemoattracted to C5a. J Immunol. 1999 162: 4018-4023